Retirement announcement
DaChien has announced her retirement from First Inn Dog.
The position of “Most Friendly Inn Dog and Guest Greeter” will be most ably filled by Delta, assisted by Dervish.

MLive article on our new Electric Vehicle Charging station!
MLive has posted a really nice article about our new charging station!
You can also listen to an interview with owner Jane from Peaches here:
ArtPrize installs!
We’ve got artists installing left & right here!
Please excuse our "dust": it feels (& probably looks) like we’re moving. What we’re really doing is packing up the little things & small furniture and removing our own artwork in preparation for ArtPrize. We try to provide a nice clean "canvas" for our artists’ work…no distractions from knick knacks or extraneous artwork. And we remove small furniture to provide nice open spaces for our AP viewers. In a couple of weeks, when AP kicks off, it’ll be a whole new scene for 2 1/2 weeks.
ArtPrize news
Peaches has snagged 18 fabulous artists for ArtPrize 2010!
We’ve got 5 of our artists back from last year, and another 13 talented & wonderful artists for this year. Check out our ArtPrize page for all the great details. We’ll also be doing demos again on Saturday & Sunday 9/25-26 and 10/2-3.
Peaches Bed and Breakfast Awarded Best of Local Business
Press Release
Peaches Bed & Breakfast Ltd Receives 2008 Best of Grand Rapids Award
U.S. Local Business Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement
WASHINGTON D.C., June 19, 2008–Peaches Bed & Breakfast Ltd has been selected for the 2008 Best of Grand Rapids Award in the Bed & Breakfasts category by the U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA).
The USLBA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USLBA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2008 USLBA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USLBA and data provided by third parties.
About U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA)
U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USLBA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.
The USLBA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.
SOURCE: U.S. Local Business Association
CONTACT: U.S. Local Business Association
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.USLBA.net
DLEG Announces Green Lodging Certification for Peaches Bed & Breakfast
DLEG Announces Green Lodging Certification for Peaches Bed & Breakfast Facility Earns Leader Certification
Contact: Lori Donlan 517-373-9280
Agency: Energy, Labor & Economic Growth
January 24, 2008
Peaches Bed & Breakfast, located in Grand Rapids has earned Green Lodging Michigan (GLM) Leader certification from the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (DLEG).
Green Lodging Michigan (GLM) encourages hotels, resorts, motels, and bed & breakfast facilities to implement environmental initiatives and cost-saving ‘green’ practices to conserve energy, reduce water consumption, protect air quality, reduce waste, and participate in environmentally preferred purchasing.
"This accreditation is the mark of environmental responsibility of hoteliers who are committed to ‘green’ business practices that make environmental and economic goals their top priority," said DLEG Director Keith W. Cooley. "Green Lodging Michigan is also helping to ensure the viability of our lodging facilities and the thousands of related hospitality jobs that stay in Michigan."
Peaches Bed & Breakfast has implemented several environmental initiatives such as installing Energy Star lighting and equipment, using low VOC cleaning products and paints, and offering a towel and linen reuse program to guests. Peaches Bed & Breakfast also reduces waste by asking vendors to take back packaging, avoiding single use disposable items, using refillable dispensers for bathroom amenities, and offering a comprehensive recycling program for guests and staff.
"At Peaches, we feel that we are not just caretakers of this historic home, but also of the earth," said owner Jane Lovett. "We take advantage of every possible avenue for re-using, re-purposing, recycling or donating. This not only helps protect our world by reducing our environmental footprint, it saves money."
GLM is a joint effort between DLEG and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to encourage the lodging industry to conserve and protect the state’s natural resources while increasing marketability and lowering utility costs.
"GLM has been an effective way of including hoteliers in the effort to help Michigan continue as the leader in environmental beauty and abundant natural resources," said Steven E. Chester, director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
GLM is a voluntary and non-regulatory certification program offered through the Michigan Energy Office in DLEG to hoteliers at no charge. The Michigan Energy Office and the DEQ provide technical assistance to those who are interested in implementing "green" strategies and earning certification. The GLM program certifies facilities based on environmental initiatives such as air quality, energy efficiency, solid waste reduction, toxic waste management, water conservation, purchasing and communication. There are three levels of certification: Partner, Steward, and Leader, which can be earned by completing a self-assessment checklist and achieving a minimum number of requirements and points.
The Michigan Energy Office promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy resource development to Michigan’s residents, businesses, and public institutions. For more information about the Green Lodging Michigan program and to download the GLM application packet and self-assessment checklist, visit the website at www.michigan.gov/greenlodging.